With PayShop Standard and Express, you can easily and safely receive online payments from your customer.

A step-by-step guide on how to integrate PayShop Payment (Payment Link, QRCode)

Step 1 :

Go to merchant

To generate the merchant Standard Payment Gateway, navigate to the left sidebar of your dashboard and select the option that says 'Merchant'.

Step 2 :

Click the New Merchant Button

Click the New Merchant Button.

Step 3 :

Fill the Merchant Form

Enter the details of your Business, such as its business name, site URL, Currency, Merchant Type and Business logo.

Step 4 :

Click on 'Create Merchant Button'

Click on Create Merchant Button under the form. Your Business Name will be created.

Step 5 :

Go to merchant

To generate the merchant Standard Payment Gateway, navigate to the left sidebar of your dashboard and select the option that says 'Merchant'.

Step 6 :

Click the gear icon

Click the gear icon next to 'Standard type'. If you don't see the gear icon, please wait for the admin to approve your merchant account.

Step 7 :

Fill the input field

A form will pop up on your screen. Enter the details of your item, such as its name, order number, price and so on.

Step 8 :

Click on 'Generate' button

Click on Generate button under the popup form. A html code will be created.

Step 9 :

Click on 'copy'

To copy the code you created, click on the 'Copy' button in the top right corner of Form.

Step 10 :

Print QRCode

To print the QRCode you created, click on the 'Print' button in the bootom left corner of Form. This QRCode can be scanned by PayShop App

Step 11 :

HTML file

To display the Pay Now button for your customer, insert the code you copied into your html file.

Step 12 :

Create Pay Now Button

Save it in html file format. Then, send the link of the Pay Now button to your customer.

Step 13 :

To receive payment

Your customer click the Pay Now Button to start Payment process.

Step 14 :

Start Payment Process

A payment screen will disply. Check transaction details, select payment method and click the Contenue Button.

Step 15 :

Transaction Completion

If the transaction is approved, the payment gateway notifies the merchant, and the funds are transferred from the customer's account to the merchant's account. The payment gateway also sends a confirmation message to the customer, indicating that the transaction was successful.

For Payment By Mobile App

Step 1 :

QR Pay Button

Your customer click the QR Pay button

Step 2 :

Scan QR Code

Your customer car scan the QR Code by clicking the Merchant Payment Button.

Step 3 :

Send payment

Your customer click the Send Request Button to send Payment.